I apologize for my recent absence from this wonderful little corner of the web – I've been busy building sandcastles, playing "peek a boo", and reading bed time stories!
My two week stint of babysitting my toddler nephew (while his parents visit Australia on business) is nearly complete. My brother will return on Wednesday to pick up a little boy who's been greatly loved (and a little spoiled) by his grandmother (Nana) and Auntie Lisa. Thank goodness for Nana, who's done most of the care taking while I've been chasing after my own two sons' busy schedules.
This two week period has been a huge blessing to me, as it's given me a semi-mandatory break from my normal "business" schedule. Afternoon writing sessions have been abandoned in favor of time at the playground. I find myself unable to stay up late to work at night since I'm physically exhausted from carrying a little twenty pound lug around on my hip all day. A few things have fallen by the wayside, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Time with extended family is precious, since mine is spread all over the country. Patrick may not remember these two weeks, but I certainly will!
To do list checking, returning of emails, and weekly reviews will recommence on Thursday – for now things are a little chaotic in my home, but the major stuff is accounted for. Who knows, I may even have a tidbit or two to share on working from home with a toddler in tow once I get back to my regular schedule. Until then, you'll find me out with the stroller or playing catch in the backyard, and loving it!