Leading Economists Call U.N. Economic Models for Climate “Insult to Science”

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Toronto Financial Post today published a stunning expose of the grossly flawed economic modeling undertaken by the Intergovernmental panel on Climate (IPCC) change to justify alarmist Kyoto and global warming policymaking.

Financial Post (part of The National Post) editor-in-chief, Terence Corcoran, reveals that Ian Castles, former head of Australia's statistics bureau and department of finance and David Henderson, former chief economist at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, have each written to IPCC head, Dr. Rajendi Pachura pointing out serious problems with the IPCC work.

Castles strongly urged that governments be “advised as soon as possible that the economic projections used in the IPCC emissions scenarios are technically unsound.” Henderson is urging that all government economic departments review “the whole scenario exercise.”

John Reilly, of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, is quoted as saying the IPCC scenarios were “a kind of insult to science.” Reilly indicated to Corcoran that the IPPC group attempted to 'tweak' long-range models to get the desired emission results.

Corcoran points out the gravity of the discovered economic modeling flaws. He states “the theory that the world is heading for major temperature increases over the next century is not primarily a scientific issue. The main framework …is based in large part on economic models, not science models.”

Corcoran explains that Castles, Henderson and others have revealed that the IPPC “modelling worked backward and employed flawed and untenable methods”. The “modellers began with extremely high emissions projections, allocated the emissions to developing countries, and then created faulty and impossible economic scenarios to accommodate the emissions.”

Prof. Reilly states that “The bigger issue” is the IPCC vision of an economic future of “equal incomes” among all regions of the globe – a “social justice issue.” The modelers, says Reilly, appear to “want a world where the United States stops growing , and developing countries grow and catch up” and supposedly 'we can choose that scenario” and “make it happen.”

Reilly concludes “I think it's lunacy…but they've gone around the world and convinced the world” that this forced global economic restructuring can be done.

The Post article provides more enlightenment as to why the elite of Canada's left-wing, socialist establishment, including certain union heads, NDP (socialist) party supporters, militant abortion supporters and the left wing social affairs commission of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops organization, signed a statement last week calling for the immediate ratification by Canada of the Kyoto protocol.

See the Corcoran article

David Henderson's letter to Dr. Rajenda


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