Great saints of the Church have known that God may be found while elbow deep in suds and dirty dishes. Saint Teresa of Avila claimed that the Lord walks among the pots and pans. Her spiritual son (generations removed) St. Lawrence of the Resurrection, a humble monastery cook and clean-up guy, is famous for his conversations with a learned bishop about how to practice the Presence of God while washing pots and pans. His surprising approach to the spiritual life is studied to this day.
For this reason, the kitchen madonna has a kitchen sink shrine. On the windowsill there are holy cards, statuettes, a miniature tea set, printed prayers, prayer list, and dried roses. And of course that greatest rotating display: first clean dishes, then dirty dishes, clean dishes again, nasty pots, clean pans and so it goes.
This is where the action is.
Spiritual battle isn't for sissies.
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