By Pavel Chichikov
Snow falling out of the sun – topaz and a while chill
Roll upon roll of water stirs with silt in flood
For and against no man's intention – God's will –
Banks pile up their ramparts of the dead wood
Teacher, teacher, teacher sings the ovenbird
Out of the shield ascendent of the yellow sun –
Songs rampant in a heraldry, in words
Of winter morning knighthood has begun
God's courtesy, gentle genuflection of the evening,
Long kneeling of a light above the shadow –
Altar, light and candle of the sanctuary ceiling
At one end of this sacristy of meadows
It is the first Church and the last of all
Till kadish of the open grave is chanted –
O universe, the Lord of all once fallen
Has raised again, beloved, those whom He wanted
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at