Lv 23, 1.4-11 15-16.27.34-37 / Mt 13:54-58
It must have been fascinating to have been a neighbor or a relative of the Holy Family and to watch Jesus growing up from childhood through adolescence and finally into young adulthood. What was He like? St. Paul gives us an all-purpose answer: He was like us in all things except sin. And that means that He looked much like all His cousins. He laughed and cried, worked and sweated, stubbed His toes and smashed His fingers, and made all the usual innocent mistakes.
Only very slowly did Jesus come to an awareness of His unique mission from His Father, and even more slowly did He find the words to speak that mission. No wonder His family and friends were surprised and confused at what appeared to be a sudden departure from a quiet, stable life. They were so sure they knew everything there was to know about him. And in consequence, they couldn’t hear the truth and the wisdom of what He had to say. Familiarity does indeed breed contempt.
Take care that your surface familiarity with Jesus doesn’t cause you to think you’ve heard all He has to say. Hearing all that is a lifetime project, so listen carefully and with fresh ears.