On December 8th, Jason Evert, a renowned chastity speaker and author was interviewed by Father Robert Reed, Director and Kevin Nelson, Senior Producer of the CatholicTV Network live on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.
During his interview, Evert made several “eye-opening” statements about chastity, and the receptiveness of the chastity message by teens. Speaking about young people, Evert said, “They’re eating it [the chastity message] up like ants on a birthday cake because it’s not a bunch of rules so you don’t go to hell, it’s letting you be liberated so you can love for the right reasons.”
Some people “think that the kids are going to throw tomatoes at you, but “After speaking for 10 years to over a million kids, we haven’t had one disruptive audience, and we’ve been to correctional facilities and inner city schools.”
In November, “we gave a chastity talk at the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) and over 20,000 teens gave a standing ovation in response to a chastity talk.” said Evert.
“Teen sexual activity rates have been dropping consistently for the last 10-15 years. The majority of high school kids are virgins. There’s a lot of good news out there, but it’s not often portrayed in the media.”
Evert continued saying, “Chastity is not the elimination of sexual desire, it’s the perfection of it. It’s where you place love above the disordered desire to lust and use. If you really understand the church’s teachings for what they are, it’s not repressive, it’s liberating.”
“People say the culture glorifies, sex. No, culture doesn’t. It’s the Church that glorifies sex. Only in the Church’s teachings of human sexuality can they see the glory of God’s plan. The problem is not that the world is glorifying sex, the problem is that world is debasing sex so that you don’t see the full beauty of it.” said Evert during this interview.
Jason Evert’s interview on the CatholicTV show “This is the Day” is viewable now without charge at http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72&videoID=129 . The interview begins at 12 minutes and 40 seconds into the video.
Jason Evert’s interview on the CatholicTV show “This is the Day” is viewable now without charge at http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72&videoID=129
Jason Evert and his wife Crystalina have been featured on Fox News, the BBC, WGN-TV news and others as well. More information on Jason and Crystalina Evert is available at www.Chastity.com
CatholicTV airs several programs which promote chastity including “Body Matters” ( http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=153 ), “The Future Depends on Love” ( http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=74 ), “The Road to Cana” ( http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=70 ) and others.
“This is the Day” can also be seen on demand at www.CatholicTV.com or downloaded via iTunes.com.and SQPN.com The hosts, Father Robert Reed, and Jay Fadden discuss various topics of the week and respond to viewer mail (you may email the show at thisistheday@CatholicTV.com