By Pavel Chichikov
‘When he retires' say the happy couple,
‘We'll travel overseas once more –
To Italy, unless we roll our fortunes double
Then also Beijing and Singapore –
The Gate of Heavenly Peace, the land of Goshen,
The Grand Canal, the wall that's also great, before
The world itself has drowned so deep in ocean
There's nothing left on land except the shore'
Sunk so deep, the whole world will be drowned
Nothing left to walk on when they die,
Belief in resurrection never sound
Nothing left to live on in the grave
The mortal drowned are foolish if they save –
But they who live and die will travel far
Beyond the archipelago of stars,
Arrive at where they've never been before
Much costlier than Beijing, Singapore
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at