It’ll Never Happen

1 Thes 2:9-13 / Mt 23:27-32

Have you ever thought about how the world and your future looked to you when you were in high school?  If you were like most people, your future was partly cloaked in mystery, but certain things seemed assured: With hard work, proper planning, and allowances for minor reverses, the time would come when you’d have it all together, your time of growing up would be over, and you could live off your accumulated wisdom for the rest of your life.

Well, that’s not the way it worked out for any of us.  Try as we may, we never get done.  Try as we may, we never manage to "make our lives worthy of God" as St Paul’s epistle tells us that we ought.  And we never will.  But that’s all right.

God’s caring for us is not something we’ve earned or ever can earn.  It’s simply God’s gift, the gift of a kind father to his struggling children.  He doesn’t ask that we become perfect.  He knows that won’t happen.  All he asks is that we keep trying our best to get better, and he’s always ready to help and to forgive, if we let him — that’s who God is.

So why not forget about being perfect and instead start enjoying the process of getting a little better every day. That’s a joy that God wants for us all, and he’s ready and waiting to help make it happen.