Dwayne Melancon of Genuine Curiosity has a wonderful post about the value of blogging. I started blogging as a way of extending my "idea reach" and have found it to be intuitively "me" on many levels. What makes for a great blog? For me, regular content and thoughtful posts are appreciated. I like keeping up with bloggers who have become friends.
Blogging allows me to:
- Publish thoughts on the fly
- Connect with great people (like you!)
- Advertise events and services
- Compile material that can be used for future publications
Here are my regularly visited blogs:
D Scott Miller
Brother Blue
Genuine Curiosity
Daily PlanIt
Tim Sanders
CE On Time
To find out what makes their blogs click, stop by their sites and drop them a line. Figure out what makes them click and get in their heads. I've found that more than a few productivity blogs are (not surprisingly) written by people of faith.