Into Your Hands

On the back of the picture you see there, my mom wrote these words;

Son, on February 21, 1981, The Lord held you in His hands, and he blessed us by giving you back to us. We love Him for His gift, and you for being our son. Love Dad and Mom

All of us, whether we realize it or not, need Jesus. Just like I did, when I thought I was going to die. A lot of us go through life running and running, and not knowing where we’re headed. We think that if we can just get this, or do that we’ll be happy. Chasing things that don’t really matter when we consider eternity. It’s like pouring a gallon of water in the desert sand, it amounts to nothing. But if we look to Jesus for everything in our lives, all our thirsts will be quenched, as Jesus says in John 4:13-14, “Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

I guess the point I’m trying to make, is that we shouldn’t wait until the last moment to realize that we need Jesus. Some one told me not to long ago, that they were brought up in the church, but that they had never actually given themselves to Christ. That’s something we should all ask ourselves, have I really given myself completely Christ? Give your life to Christ today, and become a new creation.

God Bless You


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