Inter-Faith Marriages Show Strain, Study Says

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

by Fred Jackson

A new study has taken a look at the effects of mixed-faith marriages — and the results are not encouraging.

A report in USA Today says 22% of U.S. households now fit that description. A study done by City University in New York points to great instability in such families. For example, such marriages are three times more likely to end in divorce than are single-faith households.

But there are other serious problems even when the husband and wife try to stay together. The report says that in a bid to find some kind of common ground, parents are often forced to ignore important distinctives concerning the nature of God, the role of scripture, and the path of salvation.

Religious researcher George Barna says that can be a ticket to spiritual confusion or indifference for kids. He says children need one faith because “without it, you wind up without an anchor, a community, and a worldview for making decisions internally and eternally.”

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