In the Fight Against AIDS, Use Abstinence Not Condoms

BANGKOK — The International AIDS Conference which opened in Bangkok July 11 was launched with a presentation by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, the leading promoter of the unusually successful Ugandan AIDS program. The Ugandan program has led to a drop in the nation's AIDS rate from 30 percent to six percent. While AIDS researchers constantly push condoms as the solution to AIDS Museveni has discouraged condoms saying, “I look at the condom as an improvisation — not a solution — an improvisation.”

The Ugandan ABC program promotes abstinence and sex within marriage as the primary solutions to AIDS. “[In the first instance, practice] abstinence, be faithful to each other…but if you can't, use the condom,” he said. He referred to AIDS as mainly a “moral, social and economic problem.” He stressed that it is “Obviously a moral problem when one has sexual intercourse before marriage or outside marriage.”

Spurning the collective rubberized wisdom of liberal-agenda-driven AIDS “researchers,” Museveni said that to fight AIDS, societies must strive for “optimal relationships based on love and trust instead of institutionalized mistrust which is what the condom is all about.”

The Bush administration has been maligned by many of the conference organizers and participants for adopting Museveni's proven ABC program. The most malicious comments came from U.S. Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who said “an abstinence until marriage program is not only irresponsible, it's really inhumane.”

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