“In God We Trust” In High Demand

by Rusty Pugh

A New York man who has promoted the American Family Association's “In God We Trust” posters for months says the recent attack on America has caused a huge wave of interest.

Since mid-summer, Bruce Myer of Chestnut Ridge, New York, working with his church, Faith Assembly of God, has been working to get the posters placed in public schools. But despite all his efforts, Myer says he had no luck getting the schools on board. He says no one was interested in posting “In God We Trust” in schools — until Tuesday, September 11.

Following the attacks on New York and Washington, Myer says public opinion has changed, and people now want to display American flags and the national motto posters. Myer says he is thankful that people are coming around, but he could never understand the opposition in the first place.

“I’m just trying to spread the word,” he says. “I felt it was appropriate with the American flag and it said ‘In God We Trust’ on it, which is a motto that if it’s good enough for money, I can’t see any reason why it isn’t good enough to have it in front of children on a poster.”

“Some of the mentality of these people and how they think is just amazing. They walk around with it in their pocket every single day, but yet they can’t have it on an American flag in front of them.”

Myer believes last week’s horrible tragedy has already lead to a change of heart among some Americans. “I feel God’s working through this disaster, and there are going to be many blessings that come from it,” he says. “A lot of people will come to Jesus through this. And now a lot of schools are saying, ‘Yes, I’d like to take a look at these posters and put them in.’ ”

There have been requests for the posters across the nation, most notably a recent surge in orders on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, where one local businesswoman offered to buy 1,000 posters for her office building.

To order the poster, go to the American Family Association's poster page.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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