I Will Draw All Things to Myself

"I Will Draw All Things to Myself"

Dali cross

Jesus, hatred lifted You up on a cross; hut once on it You said You would lift all lovers up to Your Heart, which is Love, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself" (John 12: 32) .

You are now fulfilling that promise, for You are drawing heaven to Yourself, as You hang on the Cross, to give me the possession of it, and God, to make me His child and friend again. Oh, draw also my poor heart, so cold and ungrateful, to Yourself to inflame it with Your own love and generosity; my sinful soul as well, to cleanse and save it. You are true to me till death.

Then draw me, Lord, and make me true to You forever, both in my innerĀ­most soul by faith in Your doctrine, hope in Your Divine promises and love of Your holy Person, and in my outward behavior by daily imitation of Your crucified life and by an unceasing union of my life with Your Sacrifice on the Cross.

Dear Savior, draw all the world to Your crucified Self, as You promised, that all men may find in Your broken Heart, peace, consolation, and joy here, and eternal life and bliss hereafter. Let me at last learn that the Crucifix does not teach pain but sacrifice, for sacrifice is pain with love. Let me mount the cross with You so that the pain I bear in life may be transformed through love into a joyful sacrifice.

Fr. Lawrence Lovasik

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