Dear Catholic Exchange:
I was talking to a guy last night who attends a Jesuit college and considers himself a deist. He was trying to prove that the Scriptures were “made up” by the apostles to save face when they realized that Jesus wasn't returning, and one of his pieces of “proof” was that the Gospels weren't written until 25 years after the death of Christ. How do I respond to this?
Thank you and God Bless!!
Virginian C
Dear Virginian:
If the gospels were “made up” in order to patch up disappointment over Jesus' delayed return, then why on earth would the apostles carefully include all the prophecies about Jesus' return in their written gospels?
Wouldn't that be the first thing you'd snip out of a revised account, the only purpose of which was to keep people's minds off the fact that he hadn't returned?
Nope. Doesn't make sense. What does make sense is that the gospels were written near the end of the first apostolic generation because the Church was anxious to get the story *clear and accurate*. Remember: when the gospels were written, thousands of people who had heard the apostles with their own ears for many years and many who had seen the events they recount were still alive. Does your friend really think none of these people would have noticed if the apostles had suddenly come out with a New Revised Jesus of the Written Gospels who was wildly different from the one they'd first come to believe in decades before?
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I have come across this site upon searching for Dr. Scott Hahn's works on the internet. And I have found this glorious work of God which you are providing for my little domestic church. I had often wondered how to get my family deeper into the knowledge of the connection between mass and the bible and how I would get them to get interested in preparing for our marriage supper with the Lamb! You have provided so succintly and clearly and I am so ecstatic that you are starting in August with the book of Genesis right at the beginning of salvation history. Praised be God almighty for his goodness!! And thank you from the deepest part of being for allowing me to bring this joy upon my family.
Sincerely and deeply indebted to you in Christ Our Lord,
Arnold Calonje
Dear Arnold:
Thanks for your enthusiasm! Please help us out as you can by donating to our work as we are a non-profit and dependent entirely on your generosity!
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
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