Reading today's homily, and agreeing 100% with the truth spoken there – I still have a question.
What if the past grievances were not because you disagreed with the Apostles teachings, but because you actually were teaching that very same words in present time. But, you were the one being lied about, lied to, and made to look like the “High Priests” when in actuality — it was those who were jealous of the truth who were buring you in their anger, jealousy, and lack of knowledge to make themselves look better? How do you forget and forgive, and look to live in the present, when they are still hacking away at your “present” with more lies and deceit?
Satan is the Father of lies, and all who are his children lie, steal and kill right along with him!
Show me! How to rid satan,and HIS children! out of my present — so I can build my self and my family a future!!
“Power” in the wrong hands my dear friend — is very dangerous!
Let's offer our prayers today for those who have been “buried” to rise again and put satan to shame and for the lies to be exposed — and the liars brought to justice.
Thank you,
Cindy Nehls
Dear Cindy,
If we don't let go of the hurt and the anger, we can't get on with life. So name it, claim it, feel it deeply, don't deny any bit of it, & then let it go. However, don't forget it: you've learned something about human nature via this experience at a great price. Remember to monitor your own activities so that you don't do to others what was done to you. Don't forget the lesson, but do move on. You don't have to be angry at the sinner to prove that you are good!
Best wishes,
Fr Dennis
Dear Mark,
I always have understood that it is necessary to repent BEFORE we can receive God's Mercy. His mercy is on offer to us all the time but unless we repent and hence accept His Mercy we do not receive it. If He forced His Mercy on us where is our Free Will? (-ours to accept or reject)or are the Calvinists correct after all?. Surely this is the basis on which we abhor the likes of Hitler or abortionists — that they show no sign of
repentance. I found your article to be deficient in this respect and hence to be somewhat misleading. What say you??
John Waller
Dear John:
It is necessary to repent before we can receive God's mercy. It is not necessary that those who sin against us repent before we *extend* them mercy. We are absolutely obliged to forgive those who sin against us. Period. It is up to God to judge them, not us. They may not receive our mercy, but we are still bound to extend them mercy. Otherwise, we will be eaten up by bitterness.
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I just wanted to thank you for the articles on Mel Gibson's new movie, The Passion.
I must admit, I was never a big fan of Mel's but I have grown to respect him and his convictions to his faith and family. My new interest and support for his new movie, The Passion, is because of articles like the ones you have shared on your website. I am truly excited for the release of this movie and hope it will open many hearts to God's love and graces.
I thank you for supporting projects like this. I know I will be sharing your website and articles with others.
Thanks again,
Seri Letak
Omaha, NE
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