Holy Eucharist Novena Prayer


novena prayer

I thank you, Jesus my Devine Redeemer, for coming upon the earth for our sake, and for instituting the adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in order to remain with us until the end of the world.

I thank you, my Jesus, for giving Yourself to me in this Blessed Sacrament and becoming food for my salvation.

I thank You, Divine Priest, for sacrificing yourself on the altar of the cross and for continuing this sacrificial offering daily upon our altars.

In union with the offering of Yourself to the Father in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I ask for this special favor (Mention your request).

If it be Your holy Will, grant my request. Through You I also hope to receive the grace of perseverance in Your love and faithful service, a holy death, and a happy enternity with You in Heaven.

I beleive and profess that this, which I am about to receive, is truly Your Most Precious Body, and Your Life-Giving Blood. May I worthily receive this sacrament for the remission of all my sins and life everlasting. Amen.

divine mercy


(permission to post from St. Maurice Parish in Ontario)

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