(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at http://www.greyowlpress.com.)
by Pavel Chichikov
Inside the fish they find a coin
Imperial argent, mint, full weight,
Tiberio, SPQR
Reverse is Roma shown in state,
Strange to find this in a haul
Especially a one-fish trawl
The prophet has a sense of humor
Eating fish he spits a bone:
“Finders losers, cough it up,
Freely given not a loan”
Mouth of masticated bread
Sunburnt features turning red
No spook or sour sermoner
(It takes good wind to climb those hills),
Even though the son of God
He keeps a fish to pay His bills
Pays for others when they're broke,
Good fellow ready with a joke