Friday, November 16, 2007Hidden in the Tabernacle
Recently my daughter, Mary-Catherine volunteered to help at the parish with the Christmas pageant auditions. The people in charge decided to use the Church to hold the auditions. Various stations were set up in the Church for the many roles in the pageant.
I decided to stay and pray before the Blessed Sacrament while my daughter was helping out – it would be an hour or two – so good to use this time wisely, I thought. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament was gracing us with His presence while all of the mothers were bringing in their children of all sizes to try out for the pageant. There was much hustling and bustling all around the Church and the adjacent hall getting ready for the rehearsal and try outs to begin. It really was lovely to see all of the people come in to the Church at a time when no one would normally be there other than a stray visitor of Jesus or two. But, some of the Moms allowed their children to run through the Church and climb over pews as if it were a playground.
Wouldn't it be nice if all of these parents realized that Jesus was present here in our midst, I thought. Jesus, who is God is here — right here — now! I wonder if that knowledge would change any one's life, perspective, or attitude if they really knew. I sadly have not seen any genuflections or bows. Perhaps everyone feels that this is not a Mass, therefore no need to show reverence. I wish they knew, dear Lord. I wish they would acknowledge You!