Philippians 3:20
But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is a story of a missionary and his son who returned from overseas aboard a ship that was also carrying a famous movie star. When the ship pulled into New York, huge crowds awaited the movie star but there was no one to greet the missionary and his son. “Papa,” said the boy, “isn’t it sad that there is no one here to welcome us home?” “No,” said the Father, “for this is not our home.” Today’s verse reminds us of the same truth. We are citizens of heaven and we will be homesick here for the rest of our lives because this universe is not big enough for us. Someday, Christ will come and take us to our true country. And there we will be at home at last. Until then, enjoy home in the Mass, for when we worship God in the Mass we are in heaven with him and all the Saints.