2 Sm 7:1-5, 8-12, 14,16 / Lk 1:67-79
Our life-span is so short. As the scripture says, we spring up like the grass in the morning, and by nightfall we have withered and died. Yet, as our lives proceed, individual hours, days, weeks and years can seem interminable because we can see in them no clear direction, no great purpose or grand conclusion. What a contradiction, life too short and too long at the same time!
That is the great anomaly, the great contradiction, whose answer and resolution we are about to celebrate in the feast of Christmas. Jesus broke into this world of ours and shared our humanity, with no special privileges. In the fullest sense, He became one of us. In doing so, He gave us hope by showing us the way out of the trap that seemed inescapable.
Jesus confirmed beyond all shadow of a doubt that we are loved and cherished by the good Father who made us, that our life here has real purpose, and that we have a destiny that is grand beyond all imagining.
As we begin the year 2009, we have a great and wonderful hope to share with all of God’s people, a hope given to us by our dear brother Jesus. Let us not fail to share it!