Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria.
Hail, Queen of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Triumph, all ye cherubim,
Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Our life, our sweetness, here below,O Maria!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim,
Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve, O Maria!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim,
Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Turn then most gracious Advocate, O Maria!
Toward us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim,
Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
The cause of joy to men below, O Maria!
The spring through which all graces flow, O Maria!
Angels, all your praises bring,
Earth and heaven, with us sing,
All creation echoing:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Pope Pius XII wrote at the end of his encyclical on the Mystical Body:
We have without hesitation consecrated all mankind to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May she, the most holy Mother of all members of Christ, radiant now, body and soul in heaven, and gloriously reigning with her Son, earnestly implore of Him, that mighty streams of grace may ceaselessly flow from the majestic Head upon all members of the Mystical Body.
Scriptural Rosary Meditation on the Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth+THE CORONATION OF MARY
Mary is crowned Queen of the angels and saints in heaven. Queen of the Holy Rosary, Queen of Peace, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Prophets. How many titles have been given to the Mother of the Incarnation of the Word! Not only is she proclaimed as the new Eve, and Mother of the Church, she is also given a prominent position in the salvation and redemption of the world. Her soul magnifies the Lord, all nations shall call her blessed. Her glorious coronation in heaven, is our hope
Prayer Intention
Let us offer this mystery then for Mary's intentions. Her intercession, her constant appearances, her role as Mediatrix of graces. Let us pray that her efforts on our behalf, her efforts to lead all her children back to her Son, will not be impeded. We pray also, to God, The Father, in thanksgiving for Mary's presence, for her role, for her help. We pray in thanksgiving that she is.
Our Father…
1. God who is mighty, has done great things for me. (Lk. 1:49)
Hail Mary….2. My heart overflows with a goodly theme; as I sing my ode to the king. (Ps. 45:2)
Hail Mary….3. Fairer in beauty are you than the sons of men; grace is poured out upon your lips; thus God has blessed you forever. (Ps. 45:3)
Hail Mary….4. Because of this gift of sublime grace, She far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. (Vat. II, Constit. of Ch. 53)
Hail Mary….5. I am the rose of Sharon, I am the lilly of the valleys. (Song 2:1)
Hail Mary….6. So now, 0 children, listen to me; instruction and wisdom do not reject.
(Prov. 8:32-33)
Hail Mary…7. The Lord chose Her. He chose Her before She was born. (Div. off.)
Hail Mary….8. Entirely holy, and free from all stain of sin. (Constit. of Ch. 56)
Hail Mary….9. Freely cooperating in the work of human salvation through faith and obedience (Constit. of Ch. 56)
Hail Mary….10. Blessed are you, daughter; by the Most High God, above all the women on earth. (Judith 13:18)
Hail Mary….Glory be to the Father…
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins…