Grocery Shopping Day

In our house, Friday is grocery shopping day. Grocery shopping is one of those things I am pretty organized at so I thought I'd offer some tips.

The first is an idea that came from my father, the person in charge of shopping in my family of origin. When he first learned how to use a computer, one of the first things he did was type up a list of all the things that we usually bought at the store aisle by aisle in the order one would find them at the store. That way, when we needed an item, all he had to do was check it off and if needed, write the quantity. My husband and I have a similar system. The pre-printed list is on the refrigerator where we can easily access it and check off items throughout the week as needed.

Second, when the flyer from your favorite store comes in the paper, take the time to go through it and check off all items that you use regularly that are on sale. It makes much more sense to buy more of something when it is less expensive than to buy one every week at regular price.

Third, if you can, go shopping without your children. For a long time, I did do the shopping with the kids. It was even an educational experience, pointing out prices and the like. However, then they got bigger and began suffering from the "I want that!" syndrome. Thankfully, my local store offers a babysitting service. Wonderful women watch children in a safe, stimulating environment for up to 2 hours while you shop. It is a wonderful service that I wish more stores would consider! Now, they enjoy going to play, and I enjoy browsing the aisles. Sometimes, my husband comes also and we enjoy some quiet time at the same time. At most stores, however, the reality is that if you want to shop alone, you need to go alone. This limits impulse purchases as well as in-store battles.

Fourth, stick to the list. Yes, you may see some great bargain you failed to notice in the flyer on a product you already use. In that case, jump at the opportunity. Otherwise, just keep walking. Stores are set up to make you spend more. Resist the urge. Buy only what you actually need.

Follow these tips and shopping will be a less time intensive, less expensive, less painful process. If you have any other grocery shopping tips to share, please feel free to comment below. I'd love to hear your ideas!



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Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur writes from western Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two sons. A Senior Editor with Catholic, she blogs at

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