Gratitude for Catholic Exchange

Dear Catholic Exchange:

Last night I was contacted by a reporter at our local newspaper who asked my opinion of the new abstinence-based education, specifically the “age-appropriate funding act”.

I am not familiar with that act which she told me was introduced last session. I told her I was not familiar with it. She told me she already had a quote from a person at Planned Parenthood and was giving me a chance to speak for the “other side.” After much searching on the Internet, I still could not find any information on that particular act. (I'm thinking it's something PP is lobbying for but it hasn't been introduced yet.) This morning I went to my home page (Catholic Exchange) &#0151 knowing that press time is 9am &#0151 hoping there would be something to help me there. I was so relieved to find the title on the front page The Truth About Abstinence-Only Education.

After reading and highlighting specific sections, I quickly e-mailed that article to the reporter. Thank you Catholic Exchange for coming through once again! Keep up the great work!

Colleen Miner

Saranac Lake, NY


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Dear Catholic Exchange,

I have been remiss in never taking the time to thank you for all your wonderful articles about the faith, and about current events. I use them all the time with friends and family, especially in Bible Study where people have difficult questions about the Catholic Church and issues of the day.

You do a marvelous job being light in the darkness, and helping to restore a culture of life to our nation! Today I smiled because your article Protect Your Identity had lots of good advice &#0151 which I copied for my family to read. My teens will be happy that for once a Catholic Exchange article isn't “boring and about religion all the time”!

God bless you for all you do.

In Christ,

Deirdre McAuliffe


Dear Catholic Exchange,

Just a note of thanks for your dedication and faithfulness. You are truly a messenger of God. May you have the gift of peace throughout this upcoming year. God Bless.

Thanks again,

Fr. Bob Weber


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