Government Funding and Abortion Income Helped Planned Parenthood Make a Killing

“It’s an outrage that our government has subsidized an abortion performing organization such as Planned Parenthood to the tune of more than $3 billion over the past four decades,” said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League’s STOPP International. “Planned Parenthood’s just-released 2002-2003 Annual Report shows that 33% of its income came from government grants and contracts totaling $254.4 million in the fiscal year ending in June 2003. That’s a 5.6% increase from 2002. This government money helped Planned Parenthood haul in a $36.6 million profit in its last fiscal year.”

Elected federal, state and local officials are responsible for the huge flow of tax money to Planned Parenthood. The largest portion comes from the federal government. Ed Szymkowiak, national director of American Life League’s STOPP International said, “According to the latest Government Accounting Office report, Planned Parenthood received $60.9 million from Medicaid and $58.7 million from Title X of the Public Health Service Act in 2001. Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood increased by about 79% from 1997 to 2001, in part due to waivers granted by President Clinton. President Bush has continued granting such waivers. In 2002, he approved expanded Medicaid coverage waivers in Wisconsin and New York which will result in even more tax funding for condoms and sometimes-abortifacient contraceptive drugs and devices.”

“This abuse of our tax dollars must stop,” said Sedlak. “Let’s not forget that while Planned Parenthood has been riding a tax-funded gravy train, it has reported performing more than 3.2 million abortions since 1977, including a record 227,375 in the most recent year. American Life League’s STOPP International implores all elected officials to take immediate steps to end funding of Planned Parenthood. We also ask all Americans to echo that message to the president and their federal, state and local elected officials.”

See the GAO report by clicking here.

This update courtesy of STOPP International, an American Life League project dedicated to fighting Planned Parenthood's anti-life agenda. ALL, with more than 375,000 supporting families, is the nation's largest pro-life educational organization. STOPP • P.O. Box 1350 • Stafford, VA 22555 • 540-659-4171.

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