Good News: Have You Really Heard It?

1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11 / Lk 4:31-37

By the time Jesus came, the Jews had evolved a very complex system of religious law. In fact, it was so complex, and detailed, and often seemingly contradictory, that most ordinary folk despaired of ever getting it all straight and staying out of trouble with God.

So when Jesus came along, he was an astonishing breath of fresh air. With him there was none of the dithering about things like how many angels could stand on the head of a pin. Jesus talked about real life, and he explained, over and over, that God is a Father whose love for his children can be trusted.

No wonder the ordinary folk were so thrilled: if God can be trusted, everything else falls into place, and no matter what comes, everything will ultimately be all right.

Have you got to that point yet? Are you confident enough in God’s love that can entrust your life into his hands — peacefully? If not, you’re wasting a lot of time worrying and second guessing God.

The alternative is surely a lot happier. So why not relax in the Lord and begin to experience here and now what a real life feels like. It’s wonderful. It’s what God wants for you right now. And it’s just a taste of what comes next!