God’s Life in Us

Dear Catholic Exchange:

Jesus said “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.” What about the share in God's life when we are baptized? Naturally, if one believes in the Real Presence, we would be eager to be united to Jesus daily! However, I don't quite know what to say to others who are uncertain or do not believe this. We believe that sanctifying grace which comes to us from baptism is a share in the life of God. I know my understanding must be at fault, since God, being truth, could not contradict himself.

Please help me as I need to clarify my own thought processes before I try to explain to someone else.

Thank you.

Our Lord's words are not meant to convey the idea that people who have not received the Eucharist are cut off from the life of God. Indeed, even his words about baptism cannot mean that since the good thief was saved without receiving either.

Rather, I think they are aiming to distinguish the supernatural life of the Eucharist from the merely natural life of the old covenant and the bread of manna which represents it.

Mark Shea

Senior Content Editor

Catholic Exchange

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