God Will Bring Life and Growth If We Prepare the Ground

Heb 10:32-29 / Mk 4:26-34

Walking down any street or sitting on a bench watching the people go by, we cannot help being amazed at the endless diversity of the human race of which each of us is but a tiny part.  At this very moment, there are billions of individual human beings alive on this planet, each one unique and like no other, each one a potential masterpiece in the making.

Will each one in fact become that masterpiece? Sad but true, the answer is no. In far too many of us, much or even most of the growth and prospering that was possible and that God fully intended for us will never come to be. That tragedy will surely come to be if we have not prepared the soil for the garden that God wants to plant in us.

How do we avoid that tragedy and make that all-important preparation?  We learn to be quiet and to listen to the whispering of the Spirit in the life around us and within us.  Like clay in the potter’s hands, we make ourselves available to being reshaped and changed by the Spirit.  But before any of that can happen, a confident, expectant trust in the Spirit must envelop our soul.

God will bring life and growth if we prepare the ground of our soul to receive it.  So trust him and get to work; there’s not a moment to lose.