Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25 / Lk 1:5-25
History can often seem so easy to understand and interpret from the vantage point of a century or two. And frequently we find ourselves with 20/20 hindsight asking questions like “Why didn’t they do this?” and “Why didn’t they see that?” Unfortunately, the perspective that distance provides is not a luxury that is ours in most cases as we walk through our days and try to make sense of them and live them well.
As we draw near to Christmas, the daily Old Testament readings are filled with a single lesson that is repeated over and over, lest we miss it or fail to take it seriously: Even when things look hopeless, and we can neither see nor imagine a future, God has not abandoned his people. God still has surprises and new directions in store.
We see this once again in today’s reading from the book of Judges. An old woman was barren, the greatest of all humiliations in the Jewish culture. She had given up hope, as well she might at her advanced age. And suddenly, out of the blue, the Lord promises her a son, and not just any son. This one would be a deliverer of his people from their oppression. That was the Lord’s promise, and it came true.
Far too often we think we’ve finished the race and have seen it all, when God still has important work for us, work that he will help us to do. Trust that and keep your eyes and ears open. God has much to teach you yet, and you will learn it if you pay attention. Trust that and you’ll be ready to celebrate Christmas as it ought to be celebrated!