This weekend, I accomplished the launching of a project that's been "mulling" inside my head for the past 18 months. As a huge podcasting devotee, I have long wanted to launch a podcast for one of my web sites, I had the motivation, the ideas, and the funding, but lacked the technical know-how to make this particular dream a reality. Another stumbling block, perhaps the biggest actually, is my own perfectionism tendencies. I listen to so many finely produced shows that I didn't want to launch my idea until I could get it just right. In the meantime, a year passed by and the project floundered on my list.
Well, this past week, I decided to just go for it. Knowing full well that my initial efforts are amateurish at best, I've launched the new Catholic Moments podcast. The very first episode features an interview with my fifteen year old son – if nothing else gets accomplished from this project, having a long conversation with my teenager on spiritual issues is worth all the effort so far! The point is, I decided to go for it! Sure, there are still many details to be worked out to help the show become more polished. But I have a great sense of satisfaction in taking this particular "to do list" item from the brainstorming phase to actual implementation. It will likely be fun to listen back to early episodes a year from now and hear how much things have improved.
Home-work for Today:
- What dreams are floundering on your To-Do list? Writing a book? Running a marathon? Starting a business? Let go the need to be perfect and just get it done!
- Subscribe to Catholic Moments – sure, this is a shameless plug, but what the heck? Why not spend half an hour listening to a Catholic Mom while you're working out or mowing the lawn?
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