Georgia Bill is The Wrong Strategy on Abortion

by Randy Hicks

A bill has recently been introduced into the Georgia Assembly that would require a woman to obtain a death warrant from a judge in order to obtain an abortion. She would also be subject to a legal proceeding in which the unborn child would be represented by an appointed guardian ad litem. While well-intentioned, one has to wonder whether this is the right strategy for changing hearts and minds. All the trends currently favor the pro-life movement. Fewer abortions are being performed every year. More Americans oppose abortion every year. An explosion of ultrasound images make our case for us. Planned Parenthood and NARAL are running scared after their candidates suffered major setbacks on election day.

A proceeding of the type Franklin envisions could have only one outcome per the Supreme Court's jurisprudence. The bill would play into the hands of the pro-choice lobby by making the woman the victim of harassment rather than keeping the focus on unborn children.

(Randy Hicks is the President of the Georgia Family Council. This article courtesy of the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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