A Gallup poll asking Americans their views on moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality, divorce, and premarital sex has revealed that a majority still believe sodomy and abortion to be morally unacceptable.
Of the 1,000 adults polled, 54 percent said homosexual activity is immoral versus 42 percent who said it was okay, while 50 percent believe abortion is unacceptable, versus only 40 percent who believe it is a morally acceptable option.
On other issues, 91 percent of Americans felt that extramarital affairs were taboo; seven percent disagreed. Fully 88 percent said cloning human beings was unacceptable, while scientific experimentation on stem cells obtained from aborted babies was considered okay by 54 percent, versus 37 who were against the practice.
Suicide is a moral wrong according to 79 percent, but if a doctor assists the suicide, 53 percent said it was acceptable; 41 percent were against.
As for premarital sex, 60 percent said sexual relations between an unmarried man and woman was acceptable, versus 36 percent who felt the practice was immoral. Divorce was considered acceptable to 66 percent versus 26 who were opposed.
Age played a significant role in determining the attitudes of those polled on the issues of sodomy and abortion, where young adults (18 to 29) were much more likely than those 65 years or older to consider them morally acceptable options.
The poll was conducted May 2-4, and measured Americans' acceptance of 16 social behaviors.
Click here for the complete results of the poll.
(This update courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)