Homily of the Day

Friday of the First Week of Lent

Violence begets more violence. Oppressors rule people with naked
power. When the people rise up in anger, it becomes the very
justification for those in authority to wield its power and use
violence in order to keep the “angry mob” in place. Jesus knew this.
He knew that anger was behind much of the violence that existed at
that time.

In a world full of hate and violence, nothing is more radical than to
go to the root of the issue – anger. The strict observance of the
Mosaic Law created many feuds and violent action in the name of
justice. “An eye for an eye” has created a nation of blind people.
People so consumed with vengeance who seek justice through violence
and in the process perpetuate the very violence which leads to deeper
animosities. The only way to break the cycle is to subdue anger, so as
not to breed violence.

During his time, Jesus was already preaching Anger Management. How
often have we regretted saying hurtful words uttered in anger? How
often have we regretted doing things out of anger?

So, when we are angry, let us remind ourselves not to participate in
the perpetuation of anger and violence. Control our anger and manage
it so as break the cycle of hate and violence. This is the only way to
build a world of peace — with love and compassion.