We see the tough Jesus, quite different from the gentle and compassionate Christ. He curses the fig tree that bore no fruits and he drives away the peddlers in the temple. There must have been good reasons for him to act in this manner.
The temple which should be a place of prayer has become a den of
thieves — the sellers abuse the pilgrims who have to buy their
offerings in the temple; the money changers cheat the poor; and the
high priests allow these to happen. The fig tree must have been
likened to people who are adorned excessively for show, who have power
enough to do what is right but remain bystanders and do nothing to
change what is wrong and evil. So these must have caused Jesus’ anger.
Jesus reminds us to clean our hearts, our homes, and the community so
that our lives and our society can be directed toward God and be fully
transformed. Are we ready to be a Christian who is tough but tender-