Favorite post(s) of the week: Daily PlanIt's What Does GTD Look Like? AND Mark Shead's My Current Working Desk
Favorite quote of the week: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." – Sir Winston Churchill (Post from Gene at Brother Blue)
Favorite hack of the week: Customize Firefox With Your Own Style (Post from The Optimized Life)
Favorite tip of the week: How Not to Check Email at Work (Post from LifeHack)
Favorite 'gadget' of the week: Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
Favorite time management tool of the week: The Myndology ring binder. (Post from DIY Planner)
Favorite app of the week: Blogstorm (Post from ProBlogger)
Favorite blog of the week: Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist
Favorite one liner of the week: "Many of the most productive people in the world do a great deal of work before others even wake up." Mark Shead