Free Your Mind, For Free!

Milkbotle One of the most important things about GTD is getting things off your mind and into a trusted system. Another idea that goes along with that is the idea of only seeing what you need to see when you need to see it. When I'm at work, I want to be focused on work. My new tool for keeping track of my home todos is Remember The Milk .

It's simple. It's very easy to install and it just does one thing: it manages your todo list.

But not too simple. Unlike other tools I've tried, it has some of the robustness I enjoy when using Outlook's tasks. For instance, it lets you schedule a task for 2 weeks from today (and other relative dates like that).

It's available everywhere. Online and offline (using Google Gears ), Cell phones (including Blackberrys), iGoogle, Twitter, and Google Calendar.

Google just needs to buy them.

Worth checking out.

See Also

(For more posts like this one, visit my blog, Tech Rest – Enjoying technology and finding rest in a restless world)

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