(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)
by Bill Fancher and Jody Brown
(AgapePress) – A well-known feminist and actress supposedly experienced a “Christian conversion” last year but as the Bible says: “By their fruits you will know them.”
Much has been written and said regarding the recent alleged religious experience of feminist activist Jane Fonda. But seven weeks before last November's elections, a new lobbying group called Pro-Choice Vote was formed, Fonda being the group's sole donor. At the time of the donation, Fonda was quoted as saying she funded the effort because she “wanted to do more to help voters understand reproductive rights and related issues so that they could make informed decisions when they go to the polls.”
According to documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service, Fonda donated $11.7 million to the group, whose stated objective was to “educate the public about the issue of choice in the elections.” And according to the Capital Research Center, Pro-Choice Vote quickly funneled money to abortion-rights groups in key battleground states, including California, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, and Pennsylvania.
Attorney Cleta Mitchell's Washington-based law firm has conducted an audit of Pro-Choice vote.
“On September 20, Pro-Choice Vote transferred half a million dollars to the League of Conservation Voters,” Mitchell says. “That same day, the League of Conservation Voters spent, out of its corporate treasury funds, $400,000 against Spencer Abraham [who lost the Senate race in Michigan] and another $225,000 against George Allen [who won a Senate seat from Virginia]. Would we say that this is acting as an illegal conduit?”
Mitchell is demanding an investigation to Fonda's activities through Pro-Choice Vote.
Creationist Says Latest Fossil Shows Evolution's Shaky Foundation
by Allie Martin
(AgapePress) – A scientist who defends the biblical account of creation is not surprised that evolutionists are once again having to revise their theory.
Last week it was reported that scientists had discovered a fossil of a skull in Kenya which evolutionists claim has more human-like features than an Ethopian fossil known as “Lucy,” which they claimed was a direct ancestor to man. The discovery in Kenya means scientists who support the theory of evolution are once again faced with revising their theory of man's origin.
Ken Ham, Executive Director of Answers in Genesis, is not surprised.
“It just shows you how tenuous evolution is,” Ham says. “It's really a belief system and they really have some big problems. They're just clinging to any evidence they can to try to prove that there's no God.”
He says the newly discovered fossil — which he says is nothing more than the skull of a chimpanzee — only pokes more holes in the argument for evolution.
“We often see newspaper reports — 'Well, from this find we'll have to rewrite the story of evolution here, and we'll have to rewrite here and rewrite it there.' And the evolutionists are saying, 'Wow, isn't science wonderful?' ”
Ham says he has heard evolutionists say that Christians who believe the Bible are “not real scientists, because the Bible doesn't change. Our theories change all the time [and] that's why it's real science.” Ham says such statements indicate there is “something dreadfully wrong” with the theories promoted by evolutionists.
Answers in Genesis is a Kentucky-based ministry that promotes the biblical account of creation as fact. The organization recently broke ground for a unique museum that will challenge evolutionists. The site of the future “Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center” is in Boone County, Kentucky. Ham says the purpose of the museum is to showcase true history through the Bible. The center will open in various stages throughout the next year; the entire facility is scheduled to be open by mid-2002.