Florida “Choose Life” License Plate Sales Top 1 Million

Tallahaassee, FL — Choose Life, Inc. announced its Million Dollar Day was May 23, 2002. According to the Tallahassee DMV records, the sales of the Choose Life license plate in Florida went over $1,000,000.00 last Thursday.

This tag continues to be one of the most popular new specialty plates in Florida, raising over $56,000.00 in April 2002, up from $47,000.00 in July 2001.

The folks at Choose Life designated a tag purchaser to be the “Million Dollar Tag” and presented him with a package of Choose Life promotional items to say thank you.

The Choose Life tag now adorns over 30,000 vehicles in Florida. Every sale and/or renewal raises $20.00 to assist adoption efforts in Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Maternity Homes and certain non-profit adoption agencies in the county where the tag was purchased.

Russ Amerling, National Publicity Coordinator for Choose Life, Inc. said, “We have been successful in helping get the Choose Life license plate approved in Louisiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma and efforts are currently underway with groups and individuals in many other states, to help them get the tag too.”

More information about the National Choose Life license plate effort is available at the Choose Life website.

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)

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