2 Jn 4-9 / Luke 17:26-37
Sometimes, especially among the young, there’s the feeling that the commandments have an arbitrary character about them, being a kind of obstacle course, the survival of which earns one the reward of heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth: The commandments are not God’s whims, but descriptors of the only way of living that can ever work or bring us happiness in this life.
Walking in Jesus’ footsteps and living in accord with His law of love enables us to build together an environment that is free of fear and good for everyone, young and old, great and small. Living together in that way makes possible the “conversation” and fellowship that we long for and it prepares our inner beings for that silent, never-ending conversation with God which we call heaven.
By themselves, the rules and laws cannot save us; only God can do that. Indeed, the commandments can be a source of both frustration and sadness as we find ourselves continually falling short of the ideal. But for those whose hearts are bonded to Christ by faith, there is no fear: He knows us well and He will give us what we need in order to carry on, even in the wake of our greatest mistakes.
Trust the power of His love, and you will find a life you never expected!