Feminists for Life Examines “Bold Faced Lies” Told to Women about Abortion

Washington, DC — The winter edition of The American Feminist, “Bold Faced Lies,” takes an in-depth look at lies told to women by abortion proponents.

“The 29th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is an appropriate time to examine the many promises made to women by abortion proponents in the 1970s – and since,” said FFL president Serrin Foster.

Immediate past FFL president Rosemary Oelrich Bottcher asks, “Were They Right?” in an article that looks at the claims made by early advocates if abortion were made legal. Medical writer Brenda Becker takes on more recent “half truths and whoppers” in “Let's Not Go There.”

FFL's quarterly examines other forms of violence against women and exploitation in Catherine Snow's article, “Prostitution and Pornography: Victimless Crime?” Editor Laura Ciampa focuses on sensational untruths about violence against women that undermines the credibility of advocates in “Exaggerating for the Greater Good.”

Author, lecturer, college professor and licensed psychologist Sidney Callahan and freelance writer Erin Sullivan explore the validity of assertions made by assisted suicide advocates in “Dignity and Burdens.” FFL vice president Sally Winn evaluates assumptions and common myths about capitol punishment in “Reason or Emotion.”

Feminists for Life is a nonsectarian, nonpartisan grassroots organization that seeks true equality for all human beings and champions the needs of women. FFL opposes all forms of violence including abortion, infanticide, child abuse, domestic violence, assisted suicide, euthanasia and capital punishment, as they are inconsistent with the core feminist values of justice, nonviolence and nondiscrimination.

For more information about how to subscribe through membership, or to receive a sample copy of The American Feminist featuring FFL Honorary Chair and Emmy winner Patricia Heaton and Co-Chair Margaret Colin in “Remarkable Pro-Life Women,” please contact the national office at info@feministsforlife.org, write to 733 15th St., NW Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 or visit their website at www.feministsforlife.org and click on “Contribute NOW!”

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)

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