Famous ‘Dolly’ Cloning Scientist Says That Every Cloned Animal Suffers Defects

EDINBURGH, Scotland, (LSN.ca) – Ian Wilmut, of the Roslin research centre in Scotland who is best known for his work in creating Dolly the cloned sheep, says every cloned animal is genetically and physically defective. Dolly the sheep itself suffers from premature arthritis and Wilmut says cloned mice, cows, sheep and pigs all show developmental difficulties.

Wilmut published a new study over the weekend which surveyed cloning experiments around the world. The major defects found include mice becoming grotesquely fat, white blood cell production in a cloned calf suddenly stopping, and muscles around lungs of a cloned lamb being so abnormally thick that breathing was made impossible.

Wilmut concluded warning scientists against human cloning. “There is abundant evidence that cloning can and does go wrong and no justification for believing that this will not happen with humans.”

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(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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