The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved President Obama’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Apparently, Elena Kagan’s previous actions to advance the Death Culture did nothing to derail her nomination—at least in the eyes of the Democrats on the committee, not one of which voted against her.
Let’s step back to the 1990s, the Clinton years. At issue was a form of legal infanticide technically known as “partial-birth abortion.” In this “procedure,” the unborn child is only partially delivered. Enough of the body is left inside the mother so that a surgical sucking instrument can be rammed into the base of the skull. The procedure is so grim that the New York Times wouldn’t run an ad representing it in mere cartoon form, the better to shield the ugly truth from its progressive readership.
Naturally, reasonable people wanted this barbarism banned. The Republican Congress passed a ban.
Tragically, President Bill Clinton vetoed it.
Lo and behold, we’ve now learned, through her confirmation hearings, that Elena Kagan, who worked for the Clinton administration, had attempted to persuade two influential medical organizations to change their position on partial-birth abortion. Both had argued that partial-birth abortions were never medically necessary. You may recall that this was intensely debated at the time, and ultimately the basis for Bill Clinton’s veto.
In an editorial on Kagan’s behind-the-scenes work on this life-death matter, the Washington Times stated that Kagan may have been “more responsible than anyone for keeping partial-birth abortion legal.”
How profound—profoundly sad—that this handmaiden to this pernicious procedure is now headed for the U.S. Supreme Court, for a lifetime appointment. And who’s responsible for that? The 53% of self-professing Catholics who voted the way they did on November 4, 2008.