Dutch Government Revokes Funding to Christian Group for Opposing Homosexual “Lifestyle”

The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture, and Science, who had granted subsidies to two Protestant organizations, has announced that the funds for one group will be revoked because they attempt to help clients overcome their homosexual inclinations.The Netherlands government had pledged €50,000 to the evangelical group Onze Weg (Our Way), as well as €85,000 to RefoAnders foundation, a Dutch Reformed group, over three years.

Plasterk told the lower house of parliament today that the ministry had changed its mind after questions from MPs about Our Way.

Our Way says that believing in Jesus Christ can lead to “a reduction in the intensity of homosexual feelings, which for some may result in a change towards heterosexuality.”

Plasterk said: “The organisation is transgressing the limits by devoting itself to curing homosexuality. Our subsidy is intended to promote an open discussion of homosexuality among orthodox Christians. It is out of the question that we support clubs that advocate helping people to get rid of their homosexual feelings.”

The RefoAnders foundation, the other Christian group to receive a government subsidy, has been asked to provide detailed information about its aims and activities.

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