Dusk Sacrament

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at http://www.greyowlpress.com.)

by Pavel Chichikov

Into the forest, not too far –

The hook pine knows it, keeps away

Watches out toward Mount Lindsay

But here lianas, strangling figs

Coil around the buttresses

Spiders string their sticky lyres

Scrub wrens running underneath

The snakeskin shedding of the trees

Hear the strumming – all are pleased

Even on one mountain, old

Is this notation of the code

And they can read and still be read

The satin bower bird loves blue –

Tears the strip of sky away

To make a sacrament of day

Consumed at night within the nest –

So should we before the west

Drinks the crimson blood of rest

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