Don’t Be Surprised at What the Spirit Does!

Jer 2:1-3,7-8,12-13 / Mt 13:10-17

Today’s gospel doesn’t sound like Jesus. It sounds like the worst and most cynical aspects of a capitalist economy: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And it seems to have the Lord’s blessing!

That’s a misreading of the text! This gospel is a meditation on God’s kingdom, that is, the abiding presence of God in our world and our lives. Jesus is telling us that if we’ve made room for the Spirit in our lives, the Spirit will come and dwell with us and will fill all the empty spaces that we have left open to the Spirit.

So the text says, To the one who has (the Spirit), more will be given until he grows rich; the one who has not (the Spirit) will lose what little he has.

The Spirit is alive, vigorous, and moving. Don’t ever be surprised at what the Spirit can accomplish within and around you!