Heb 2:5-12 / Mk 1:21-28
That feeling can hit us all. The feeling of being forgotten, abandoned. Sometimes it strikes the elderly who are ready to go home to the Lord, and are waiting for the call that doesn’t come and doesn’t come. Sometimes it strikes people whose troubles just keep multiplying through no fault of their own. And too often it strikes all of us, as problems linger indefinitely with no resolution in sight.
When we get that lost and forgotten feeling, it’s time to remember what Jesus told us so often, namely, that God never forgets anyone, and that not a single flower dies and not a single sparrow ever falls from the sky without God’s knowing it. God doesn’t forget us, He simply has a different timetable and a different plan. And that means that we have to learn how to wait. But more than just wait. We have to wait with trusting and hopeful hearts. If we can do that, whatever comes and whenever it comes, it will have purpose and work for the good. That is God’s promise.