Doctor Reminds Pro-Life Group of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

Montgomery, IN — The doctor, a graduate of Yale, had done world-renowned research on the link between breast cancer and abortion. He had always heard southern Indiana was the pro-life heartland. Now a resident of New York, Dr. Joel Brind was taken aback by the standing-room-only crowd at the Daviess County Right to Life banquet October 4 at the Ruritan Building.

“This is a lesson coastal cities need to learn,” he said admonishingly to the more than 350 in attendance. Dr. Brind called the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks a “callous disregard for human life,” but said the most dangerous place in New York is still in a mother's womb.

Brind said he was impressed not only by the size of the crowd, but with their God-fearing attitudes.

Dr. Brind said there are two ways for his research to make a difference –

in women's right-to-know laws, and in court. Currently, he's working with

states to change women's right-to-know laws to include language about the link between abortion and an increased risk to breast cancer. He also works as an expert witness in court cases regarding the subject. Currently, there is a major court case in California against Planned Parenthood and its claim that abortion is safe.

In 1992, Dr. Brind came across the link between abortion and breast cancer, finding studies going back as far as 35 years, buried in medical journals. Brind said 17 of 23 studies since 1957 have shown an increased risk of breast cancer for women who've had abortions. At least 10 of the studies have shown significant risk increases of as much as 30 percent. Since 1986, Dr. Brind has been a professor of human biology and endocrinology at Baruch College of the City University of New York.

Since 1992, he devoted most of his research effort to studying and promoting awareness of what has come to be known as the “ABC link.” In 1996, along with colleagues from the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, Dr. Brind published a “comprehensive review and meta-analysis” on the “ABC link” in the British Medical Association's epidemiology journal. This paper

received worldwide scientific, medical and media attention, and the Royal

College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in London have most recently recognized its validity in March of last year.

As he sees his work validated, Brind said it's easy to see why pro-abortion advocates are fighting hard to keep it quiet.

“Doesn't a woman have a right to know about increased risks?” he asked.

Brind said a small group of abortion activists are keeping medical professionals and politicians intimidated. “And what right does it give them (abortionists) to use women as political pawns?” he questioned.

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