ST JOHN'S, NF ( – The medical director of a Catholic relief agency charges that UN officials in some of the poorest countries in the world reject the assistance of obstetricians and gynecologists if they do not offer reproductive services. Dr. Robert Walley, medical director of MaterCare International (MCI), charges he has been routinely ignored by UN officials once they learned that he was Catholic and pro-life, even though pregnant women desperately needed medical attention.
Walley believes these actions show the UN is more interested in stopping births through contraception and abortion than helping women who suffer complications in childbirth. Walley believes that funding patterns prove where UN interests lie, arguing that, “While billions of dollars have been spent on abortion and birth control programs, only a small fraction is focused on providing emergency obstetric services.”
Walley's group, MCI, was established in 1995 to provide women in the developing world with basic maternal care. The organization is comprised of Catholic obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives and general practioners. MCI is active mainly in western Africa, where it seeks to reduce the world's worst maternal mortality and morbidity rates.
For more see C-Fam and MCI:
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)