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Hello Friends at Catholic Exchange!
Thank you for your wonderful website. I visit it daily, if for no other reason than to read the daily homily reflection.
That being said, I find a small part of one of the homilies to be a bit disturbing. The homily indicated that, “St. Mary Magdalene practiced the oldest profession in the world.” There is no scriptural basis for this assumption whatsoever. To ascribe prostitution to Mary Magdalene is a disservice to her, to women everywhere and to the people of God. Let's let this man-made revision of history finally be laid to rest.
Thank you!
Rev. Neil P. Kookoothe
Dear Fr. Neil,
Thank you for your feedback. You are quite right. The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 9, p. 389, confirms that while there is an ancient tradition identifying Magdelene with another woman who was a public sinner, this is not confirmed by Scripture. We appreciate the correction.
Msgr. Clark sends his regards—and hopes this point did not cause you to miss his message!
Tom Allen
Editor, CE
Accolades to Mark Shea
Hello Mark,
I just want to drop a note to let you know that you have a major fan in me. Since discovering you on Catholic Exchange, I have looked forward to your articles and have also poked around on your blog and website a little for additional reading material. Your most recent article about the thought processes of children was especially beautiful and humorous.
Your writing consistently strikes a harmonic chord with me. I was very disappointed to discover I missed you when you spoke last at Blessed Sacrament Church in Seattle and look forward to the next opportunity to see and meet you in person. Until then, please keep up the great work that you do. You are in my and my family's prayers.
Michael Grisaffi
St. Anthony's Parish
Renton, Wash.
Gawrsh! Thanks!
I hope our paths can cross soon! Maybe your parish will have me down to speak sometime if somebody suggests it to the pastor or DRE (hint! hint!). For more info on that, check out the Catholic Exchange Speaker's Bureau.
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
I Love CE!
Dear Friends at Catholic Exchange,
Please accept this $100 donation with my sincere thanks.
As a fairly recent “revert” to the true Church, I access Catholic Exchange almost daily for instruction/commentary/news of the world with a refreshing Catholic Viewpoint. I look forward to receiving A Word of Encouragementin my daily email. I often forward them to my daughter who is a junior at Franciscan University of Steubenville.
In these times of scandal in the Church, and threats of terror, I am encouraged by your clear reporting and faith in Our Lord. Keep on providing the kinds of material on your wonderful site and you will continue to bless and uplift the body of Christ.
Sincerely Yours,
Deren Ann Dagon