Dissident U.S. ‘Catholic’ Paper Carries Op-Ed Slamming Pro-Lifers

KANSAS CITY, MO (LSN.ca) – While faithful Catholics have dismissed the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) as more anti-Catholic than Catholic and have thus turned to other more honestly Catholic publications, some Catholics continue to support the NCR. However, an op-ed piece published in the NCR's December 14 issue, emphasizes the paper's divergence from the faith. The Kansas City-based paper published an article by self-described “pro-choice” Ann Pettifer.

In her piece, Pettifer takes aim at the pro-life movement, slamming it unmercifully for even suggesting that abortion after rape could be avoided. “To argue that the cells of an ovum fertilized by force have an instant nonnegotiable right to keep multiplying is a form of madness — of the kind you might expect to find in a dystopia like the one described in Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's Tale, writes Pettifer in the so-called “Catholic” paper. Some individuals conceived by rape, and nevertheless given birth by their mothers, have been among the most eloquent spokesmen for the right to life, refuting the arguments that demand abortion for rape-conceived children.

See the NCR piece by Pettifer.

To express your concerns to the Bishop of Kansas City or the NCR editor:

Most Reverend Raymond J. Boland Bishop of Kansas City – write Denise Kopek, Administrative Assistant at kopek@diocesekcsj.org.

To write the NCR editor:


(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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